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Indigenous Corporations, Associations, Trusts & Communities Services Guide

Murfett Legal has extensive, practical experience acting for many indigenous organisations including, but not limited to a number of Aboriginal associations (under the former ACA Act) and corporations (under the current CATSI Act) as well as various State incorporated associations right through to joint ventures and the like.

Murfett Legal has extensive, practical experience acting for many indigenous organisations including, but not limited to a number of Aboriginal associations (under the former ACA Act) and corporations (under the current CATSI Act) as well as various State incorporated associations right through to joint ventures and the like.

Murfett Legal has extensive, practical experience acting for many indigenous organisations including, but not limited to a number of Aboriginal associations (under the former ACA Act) and corporations (under the current CATSI Act) as well as various State incorporated associations right through to joint ventures and the like.

Our team have, over many years, developed professional personable relationships with various indigenous groups dealing with traditional land owners, custodians, beneficiaries, the various language groups and are more than familiar with practicalities of dealing with the “mob” and “being in country”.

Murfett Legal advises and acts for a wide range of clients including Aboriginal corporations, prescribed bodies corporate and registered native title bodies corporate, indigenous business, indigenous community and services organisations, government bodies, land councils and native title representative bodies, private bodies, and resource companies.

Some of the various indigenous client groups Murfett Legal has acted for over the years include but is not limited to:

  • Gumala Investments Pty Ltd as trustee for Gumala Investments Trust
  • Lombadina Aboriginal Corporation
  • Bunuba Aboriginal Corporation
  • Nyungar Health Service
  • Kupungarri Aboriginal Corporation
  • Ngylen Association Inc.
  • Wirrakamaya Health Service
  • Tambinah Pty Ltd
  • Ngaanyatjarra Health Service and Ngaanyatjarra Council
  • Mawarnkarra Health Service
  • Carnarvon Medical Service Aboriginal Corporation

Murfett Legal has extensive experience consulting with a number of government agency stakeholders including but not limited to:

  • the Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations (ORIC)
  • the Aboriginal Business Directory
  • Supply Nation
  • Indigenous Business Australia (IBA)
  • Department of Families, Housing, ReisCommunity Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA) and its successor
  • Department of Social Services.

We are equipped with an expert team that provides strategic business and planning advice, including joint ventures, employment law, appointments of CEOs, management agreements, including also employment disputes and termination of employment, worker’s compensation and various insurance law advice.

We also provide advice in relation to general contracts, supply contracts, governance, amending and updating Rulebooks, various strategic matters including indigenous community relations, indigenous communities’ consultations and matters such as appointment of independent non-indigenous directors, advisory trustees, pastoral leases and agri-business including land management.

Our skilled taxation and insolvency teams can also assist in Royalty trusts (including tax ramifications, deductible gift recipients, private trusts) and working with corporate fiduciaries, grant acquittals for various government and corporate stakeholders as well as Compliance Notices, Examinations and Special Administration and Liquidations under the CATSI Act.

Our experienced property and hospitality, tourism and entertainment team can assist in dealing with the management of the lands, property construction and leasing, mining and resource law and land access rights.

With in-house Counsels, Murfett Legal has the ability to assist in urgent court matters, for example urgent Federal Court injunctions and general dispute resolutions and breaches of the CATSI Act.

Murfett Legal is a highly regarded and reputable law firm which provides proactive, cost-effective advice, and can assist in implementing the “best practice” strategies so that Indigenous associations and corporations comply with all their required contractual, regulatory and governance requirements whilst balancing and understanding the sensitivity to cultural, health and traditional issues.

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News Article: “Noongar who won federal court challenge only to have it reversed vow to fight on” – The Guardian, Thursday 22 June 2017

News Article: “Noongar ask who speaks for country” – The Koori Mail, Wednesday 17 May 2017

News Article: “Noongar Native Title agreement: $1.3b deal rejected by Federal Court” – ABC News, Thursday 2 February 2017