KLI Business Series

23 Apr 2018

KLI Business Series Building a small business demands a lot of hard work, and KLI Accountant & Wealth Managers work with so many aspiring entrepreneurs. The KLI Business Series is a chance to connect and learn from business owners and specialists in the field, network with your peers and find the motivation to build the business and lifestyle you want.

The business world is not without risks, and it pays to know how to protect yourself, your business and your family. In the wake of Cooper & Oxley and other high profile corporate collapses, May's instalment of the KLI Business Series will focus on protecting your business against the big risks that are often outside your control.

Kelly Parker, Carla Vinciullo and Rebecca Browder from Murfett Legal, as special guests of KLI, will be leading an entertaining and informative discussion on how you can protect your business from a wide range of issues that they deal with every day. From unfair dismissal claims to professional liability and a host of other pitfalls, hear from the experts on how to keep yourself protected, and give yourself the best chance of success.

Event Details:

Venue: Amano Restaurant, Pier 1 Barrack Street Jetty Perth
Date: Wednesday, 16 May 2018
Time: 6.00pm networking, presentation to start at 6.30pm
Cost: $30.00 which includes some refreshments and nibbles.

Places are limited, it is important to reserve your seat NOW.



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